My vision of the enslavery of humanity
It is the morning of the 6th of November 2017. I just moved to Glastonbury from Germany a month ago and just moved into the second room on my journey in Avalon. In my dream of the last night I had a feeling of watching a movie. Not just a movie, it was more like […]
Full Moon Singing Bowl Meditation
Full moon in libra! I have prepared a little full moon meditation and pulled cards of the Moonology Oracle Cards for you. I hope you enjoy the video! 🙂 English / Deutsch
Welcome to Avalon Rituals
Soon I will share magical adventures to sacred sites, news and special offers here with you!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer […]
My first journey to Avalon & Stonehenge / 2014
This journey has started an even bigger one of a huge inner transformation. In this blog entry I want to share with you my first days in Glastonbury and my first journey to Stonehenge. There will be a second and third part as I also went to Tintagel in Cornwall on this magical adventure. What […]